Austria's Elizabeth Goergl was on pace to win after taking the first run, but nearly crashed rounding the final gate of the day, quickly recovering and securing third place.
Cortina, Italy Giant Slalom
Austria's Elizabeth Goergl was on pace to win after taking the first run, but nearly crashed rounding the final gate of the day, quickly recovering and securing third place.
Notice how Goergl didn't give up; she stayed focused, recovered quickly, and skated as hard as she could through the finish. Her strong effort allowed her to claim her spot on the podium. In the VOW from 2 weeks ago, Lindsey Vonn made a huge mistake in Slalom. She didn't let it slow her down though, she got back on track quickly, fighting her way to the finish, and she won the race!
Nobody is perfect, not even on the World Cup circuit. In ski racing, the best thing you can do after a mistake is to stay focused, get back on track, and push all the way to the finish. Everyone makes a mistake once in a while, so take advantage of the opportunity to learn from it and push yourself even harder.